Chris Michelson

Chief Revenue Officer

As Chief Revenue Officer for, Chris leads: Marketplace Operations, Business Development, Sales, Account Management as well as Client Success and Retention. He is directly responsible for adding and developing the Medicare marketplace into the top vertical for our organization. Since joining the team he has provided +5x YoY lift to our bottom line performance. Prior to Chris held leadership positions at large Insurance Agencies, Consumer Finance organizations, Home Service aggregators and held licenses for both health and life insurance. Combining over a decade of experience in insurance marketing leadership and over 20 years of professional sales experience, Chris helps to lead as we evolve and grow our Insurance, Consumer Finance, Legal, and Home Services Marketplace.

Outside of business hours you can find Chris tinkering with antique vehicles, hiking, fishing, or enjoying his favorite activity—hanging out with his daughter Kenzie Joy, who is already a better mechanic and fisher than he is.

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